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I want to start a blog

Hello everyone! I'm here with my first blog as you can see. (I'm gonna cringe so hard making this).

Well, considering that I wasn't doing anything over the Christmas break, I wanted to do something to keep me busy rather than staring at my phone all day and watching YouTube videos - even though class starts in less than a week.

So, Why blogging not vlogging?

I love videography and anything related to it but, I would rather not show my face because first of all, I don't have enough equipment to use like proper camera or a face light thing, ya know, and usually they'd cost a little more than my money like people on YouTube be like "It's so cheap! It's only for $10!" and I'm like "Damn right, that's Php 500 in my currency!" I know ya'll be like "It's not that expensive yanno" but I'm like "ya i kno gurl but that's like double of my allowance to go to school everyday" Know what I mean? I'm not as rich as those kids in the US nor does my country is as rich as theirs.

Second of all, I don't have time and effort to shoot all the damn videos and I don't have enough memory in my phone and it's already notifying me and I'm like "Girl, I know but I can't buy a new memory card so stop."

Anyway, it's just too much effort: shoot footage, edit, upload, etc. and I know how YouTubers feel because I myself edit videos and it's not that easy to edit so much stuff and I also have school which is my number 1 priority. Some people even go to other places to experience things and all but I'm not like that because 1) my mother would not be enlightened to know that I'll always leave the house (of course because she doesn't want to give us money because she gotta pay the bills yall), 2) I don't really like going out of the house that much and commuting here in my country is really tiring; it can take up 4 hours from a day in your life (going to and going home combined (i don't really know how it's called)) and the people aren't really friendly yanno like thieves are pretty widespread in the city, and 3) my friends are like me who doesn't really like going out or hanging out frequently because, of course, their moms/parents are the same as mine.

Third of all, I think I could write because in our Journalism class, our teacher, who was really pretty btw, praised my feature article like, she asked me to send a copy of my article and - do you know how your teachers call your paper last because you had the highest grade or best work in class? YES, I got that moment in class and that article was even made on spot like hmm girl I got SKILLZ. (but that doesn't completely justify what I did here tho lol)

To conclude that, I was bored and wanted to do something and this website (Wix) has really cool designs and layouts for blogs and, you know, maybe I can earn money because, hello? I'm a business student. I need money.

All jokes aside, I hope I can stick to a schedule to update my blog because it looks so good fam. Also be relevant to the society (wow big word) haha lol gotta go!

Also, I will post a photo of my dog cause she lookin fly girl

Midori the Shih Tzu

(should I end this with a signature like in letters? lol)


Gossip Girl


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