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Let's get started

So, who's behind this blog?

Well, it's me, it's ya gurl Ean from the capital region of the Philippines, the Pearl of the Orient Sea, that is located in Southeast Asia. As I'm writing this, I am currently 17 years-old and is about to turn 18 in less than three months. I am a business student studying in the Royal Pontifical Catholic University of Santo Tomas that is one of the Top 4 Universities in the country and has been active since 1611 so ya (ya'll can make me a Wikipedia page now lol).

Honestly, I don't like talking about myself because I don't want to feel conceited ya kno.

In my blog, I'm going to talk about fashion and beauty, a lil bit of politics (lol probably just rants about the society), pop culture (?), probably lifestyle, and more! (I'd rather make them as surprises lol) But most likely, I will post more about fashion, music, and business or about my daily routine.

As you can see in my way of writing, I make a lot of informal way of spelling or grammar or whatever but I feel more comfortable and more relatable to people of my age and I don't want to sound like a robot or like I know everything by writing so well and yada yada.

Why should you visit my blog?

I want you to visit my blog to support me. Basically. Just Kidding.

Another is to show the world what my passions are and what are the things that irritates me the most so that you can relate or learn from me. You can also take interests in my posts and share insights with me so we could interact and such. We can teach each other by giving appreciation and constructive criticisms, you know! Let's create a world that is open to all ideas and opinions.

Let's make a connection!

Send me what you think of my blog (in a nice way please), and suggest me new things or give me topics I could talk about!

That's all thank you!


Follow me on my social media accounts and see the true Ean lol

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